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SaferMe Partner since 2020

Samson Safety Solutions

Samson Safety Solutions

Health and Safety Consultant

About us

As the Principal Consultant for Samson Safety Solutions, our OSH consultancy services a wide variety of businesses throughout the Bay of Plenty region and beyond. We also have fixed term contracts with Manaaki Kaimai Mamaku Trust, MPI’s National Wallaby Management Programme and Bay of Plenty and Waikato Regional Councils Biosecurity teams providing ongoing health and safety support to multiple entities. I really enjoy this role as it requires the ability to work with people from diverse backgrounds and ethnicities.
We are strong advocates for the new approach to safety that is gaining traction with more and more organisations, known as “Safety Differently”. Empowering those doing the mahi is the best way to drive engagement and improvement in safety, mentoring businesses with this new approach to safety and well-being is what we love to do.
My credibility and reputation are founded on recognised industry standards, hence I’m a New Zealand Institute for Safety Management (NZISM) accredited “Professional” and HASANZ registered consultant. To maintain my career pathway development, I regularly attend NZISM branch meetings and undertake training to upskill my professional development.


  • ProfNZISM

New to SaferMe? Samson Safety Solutions can get you started

SaferMe is easy to use safety software for smaller businesses. Samson Safety Solutions can help make your switch as smooth as possible

SaferMe screenshot

Meet the team

Henry Samson

Henry Samson

Where can you find us?

Samson Safety Solutions

40 Arawa Ave RD9 Te Puke 3189

Bay of Plenty

New Zealand

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